Tuesday 9 August 2011

Riots in the City

Terrible news about the riots in London and elsewhere in the UK, and especially shocking that so many children are involved. Watching the news, seeing cars and buildings burn, hearing eye-witness accounts, seeing the gangs of hooded youths on our streets - it is difficult to believe that this is really happening so close to home. We live near London and have friends who are bus drivers and work in Lewisham, Peckam and neighbouring areas; one of the shops I was in on Saturday, in Orpington, was looted last night. It is both sobering and a bit frightening. And the end is not yet in sight.

"I see violence and riots in the city, surrounding it day and night, filling it with crime and trouble. There is destruction everywhere, the streets are full of oppression and fraud." BBC news bulletin? Nope, words from Psalm 55 (Good News Bible). Human nature hasn't changed over the centuries, but neither has God. The message of good news is the same too - we need to reach out to our young people while they are young, so at least they know there is a choice to be made. How can they know if they have not heard?

We can all be youth workers - if we can do nothing else, we can at least buy children we know a Christian book or a DVD, or a leaflet explaining the gospel – NOW while there is still time. Or else they will grow up and be influenced by what they see around them . . . most of which is far from godly. We are privileged in this country to have a vast selection of Bibles, books and Christian literature which can sow seeds, even change lives. Well, no, that's not true, only God can change lives, but he often does use the written word to touch hearts. Try our website, www.dernierpublishing.com for books for 8-16s, or visit your local Christian bookshop for lots more choice for every age group. Jesus told stories - why not give kids a good story which points the way to God? We can no longer be complacent, we need to pray for our young people, and we need to act too - we all need to do our bit, build our part of the wall, one brick at a time.

In our novel 'London's Gone', London is bombed by terrorists. There are riots in the cities and three young people have to make their way to safety, one of whom is a Christian. Have you read it? It's kind of topical. For young people 12+, but you might find it challenging too. Available from your Christian bookshop, if you have one - if not, available from our website. Not sure? Read the first chapter on online. http://www.dernierpublishing.com/londonsgone.php

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