Friday, 19 December 2014

Last Orders!

Thank you for reading the
December 2014
Dernier Publishing news!

On a visit to Tallinn, Estonia, recently, I was both delighted and moved to find a nativity scene proudly displayed in the Town Hall Square. Estonia only declared independence from Russia in 1991 – what a great sign of freedom, to now be able to openly proclaim Emmanuel, God with us, in a public place. How alarming that in the UK such freedoms are now being eroded! Under the Russians, all Estonian women had to go back to work 56 days after their babies were born. From that time on children went to State nurseries, where they were taught that only backward and stupid people believe in God. Even though as Christians we are facing some opposition here in the west, we still have freedom to pass on the good news to the children of our land – let's cherish that freedom and use it while we have it. God will build his church – let's be part of it.

Last orders!(Skip this section if you already have all your Christmas gifts sorted . . . unless you want a free book anyway!)

It's not too late to order books for Christmas, but only just! If your local Christian bookshop has sold out of the ones you want, you can order them from our website TODAY (19th December 2014):
Click here to go to the Dernier website

As a thank you for all your support throughout this year, I'd like to make you a special offer, to help you reach out to the children on your heart: if you order two books or more through our website today, I will send a
free copy of Living in Hope for you to give away, with our compliments. BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO ACT NOW, so get clicking!

To receive your FREE BOOK, simply write 'Living in Hope' on the contact form on the website, or on the note when you pay by Paypal or credit/debit card. Although the free book won't appear on your shopping cart, it will automatically be added to your order at our end, and sent to you with the other books you have ordered.
Here's a brief bit of blurb about each of our current titles, with a link, to help you save time searching for yourself (I know how busy life is right now!):

A Pennyworth of Peppermints:
: Spy story set in WW1 for 8-11s. Ben finds forgiveness and discovers that Jesus will never leave him.

The Birthday Shoes

: fun story for girls. Emily Jane travels to Africa wearing magic shoes, where she makes friends, learns about crocodiles and makes some important discoveries about God.

Deepest Darkness

: never a dull moment in this story about freedom from fear for 8-11s, set in Canada. Perfect for sensitive children. Audio versions also available.

I Want to Be an Airline Pilot

: Set in rural Rwanda. Shema discovers through a series of adventures that he has a father in heaven who cares for him. Great book for children in difficult circumstances.

Living in Hope

: Sequel to 'Pilot'. Shema and his family have found a new faith, but when one of their friends is tricked into leaving for the city, will their new faith survive? Includes lots of football matches, so a great book for boys as well as girls!

Under the Tamarind Tree:

Two lads move to Shema's village with their families to set up a medical centre. Neither boy wants to go, but they make friends and discover that God knows best. Great book for children facing change.

The Treasure Hunt:

Mystery adventure story– four children from a church youth club solve the mystery of who is in the white van. Gentle introduction to modern slavery. Exciting page-turner for reluctant readers.

Mystery in the Snow:

Sequel to The Treasure Hunt. The four Christian friends are hot on the tail of a shed burglar, but get themselves in trouble. Lovely way to show that it's great to be a Christian!

Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has a Story

: All 10-14-year-old girls need to read this book! Christian issues but all part of a fun story. Each of the six featured girls has her own perspective – and it all ends up with a party!

Beech Bank Girls, Making a Difference:

Second book in the series. The girls discover that they don't have to wait until they are older to make a difference.

Beech Bank Girls, Christmas is Coming!

The perfect book for girls this Christmas! The friends learn more about faith and answered prayer – all through the trials of teenage life. :-)

The Only Way:

Gripping story about a lad who has a tough life, but is saved by a mystery girl who makes him think for the first time in his life. Then Lily falls ill; can he, in turn, save her? For 11-14s. If you're stuck for a book for a boy, this would be a good choice.

London's Gone:
Teen drama. London is bombed by terrorists; three teenagers need to make their way to safety, but nothing is safe any more. Great book if you are looking for a non-threatening Christian book for teens.

More News!I have so much more news to share with you, but I think I'll keep it for another week when you have a bit more time for reading! So for now, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas – I do hope the newsletters have been an encouragement to you this year. May God's presence remain with you during this wonderful season when we celebrate the birth of our dear Lord Jesus.

And hope you all have a lovely break!

Founder of Dernier Publishing and the Write for a Reason course
With love,

PS Please do pass this on to anyone who might be interested. Thank you!

Friday, 14 November 2014

November News and Prayer requests from Dernier Publishing

Welcome to the November 2014
Dernier Publishing newsletter!

We are creators!

We are children of a creator God, and I’m a firm believer in being creative – it’s part of the awesome privilege we have of being made in His image. If we have been given a gift I believe we should use it to honour God who gave us this ability. Some people love creating a garden, others a website. Others love to sew, paint, stick, make things from wood, make music or delicious meals. Others love to write. All these things are wonderful gifts from God that we can use to serve others. But we have to learn our craft. If we want to produce pretty much anything of value, we need someone to show us how to do it, people to encourage us (even our first feeble efforts!) and we need to stick at it and not give up when the going gets tough. (The photo is of a friend from DR Congo – I showed her how to make English cakes!)

This isn't the first time I have mentioned Write for a Reason a course I set up for Christian writers who write, or want to write, fiction for 8-14s. There are also lots of free writing tips on the Write for a Reason website! Why not take a look, or point a writer friend there? What greater joy could there be than for us to point the way to Jesus through our gift of writing? Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. We can be workers in this harvest with our writing. Books change lives . . . More details here: Write for a Reason

If you're not a writer, what is your creative gift? Are you using it to bless others? :-)

Sad figures

I found this statistic recently and jotted it down (sorry I have forgotten where I found it): “Between 1990 and 2020 the UK church is predicted to have lost 1.1 million children from congregations.” If true, this is an alarming statistic. 1.1 million children lost from church! Here's another really sad statistic tweeted by the NSPCC a couple of weeks ago: "We are receiving more calls than ever before to ChildLine from children who are feeling suicidal." Doesn't that make your heart ache?

Jesus said, “I will build my church.” Nothing will stand against him, but in some incredible way He wants us to do our bit.

Do you know a child who might be finding life tough? Could you buy them a Christian book? Or perhaps you could organise to buy books for all your Sunday School or Kids Club this Christmas – children who seem to be walking the right path also need encouragement to stay on it! Or could you offer two or three books as raffle prizes for a village or church Christmas fete, give gifts to neighbours' children, sponsored kids abroad . . . The message of Jesus brings hope, life and light, even in the deepest darkness. Let's spread that hope, light and life this Christmas, because we can, and because it is our responsibility to do so. Imagine a life changed, through a book you gave. That's awesome.


Fabulous initiative 1: please pray!

I had a lovely email from Mary Weeks Millard a few days ago. She says, “The churches in Weymouth are presenting an event called ‘Silent Night’ on Dec 4th; carols in the local football stadium to remember the WW1 Christmas Truce. Taking part will be a choir from years 5 and 6 in the local primary schools. At the moment 6 schools have opted to take part and the special school will also be taking about 6 children. It will be about another week before numbers of participants are known; it could be 100+. The Lord has really put it on my heart that it would be good to give each child taking part a copy of ‘A Pennyworth of Peppermints’. The celebration is right, the location and the also the age group of the children. I feel that I should go ahead in faith - the organizer, Rev. Anni Douglas is thrilled with the idea as is the choir mistress (who attends our church). I am hoping that maybe church members in the town would feel they could sponsor a book.

Please do pray for this initiative and the children who will receive this book with its message of God's love and forgiveness. If you are organising an event and would like to buy a quantity of books please let me know; firstly as I can offer quantity discounts (as can most local Christian bookshops), and also so we can back you in prayer. I look forward to hearing from you!

Fabulous initiative 2: please pray!

A teacher at a local primary school is going to start up a book club at her school with books that have Christian characters! How wonderful is that! Please pray for new children to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus through these books. Thank you!

Christmas online catalogue

This is the link to our online Christmas catalogue:

Please do take a look yourself and forward it now to as many people you can think of who just might be interested, because it might be exactly what they are looking for, for a grandchild, nephew, niece, Sunday School or children's friends. Thank you very much for your help!

Next year

I have so many plans for next year, and want to make it the best ever, but I need your help. More than anything else I ask for your prayers for Dernier. I would like to bring out five books next year – some in paperback, some in digital format. More news in January in about that, but please would you start praying now, as I begin to get organised? I would appreciate that more than you know. If you join us on facebook, you can keep in touch with news as it happens: Dernier Publishing's Facebook Page. Hope to see you there!

Right, lots to do, I'd better get on with it – may the Lord bless you and keep you.

Kindest regards,


PS Don't forget to check out our online catalogue :-)

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Dernier Publishing news, October 2014

I made jam!
 Having gifts and being fruitful are two completely different things. We often admire people who are gifted, and hold them in high esteem. Gifts are great, but we all have a responsibility to bear fruit, using the gifts we have been given – that's what really matters. We're not supposed to be building our own empires with the things the world things are important – power, prestige and popularity – we're supposed to be growing good fruit; fruit that lasts. (Oh, and I made the jam to make my fruit last! :-) Sorry, that's such a tenuous link but I'm really pleased with my blackberry jam – if you'd like to taste it come on over!)
I am delighted to tell you that we have sold more books this year than ever before, so far. It's still not a lot in commercial terms (I have so much more to learn about marketing!) and I have no idea how much fruit will come from those books, but it's thrilling to see them go out. And we could sow so many more seeds . . . I have so many boxes of books just waiting for homes.

School packs
With that in mind, if you have a child or grandchild in Years 3 to 8, or if you have links with a local school, would you consider buying a pack for their school class library, please, because schools are always looking for books! Just for this month (October 2014), and only to newsletter subscribers, each pack will be just £25.00. If you would like a pack, email me on now and let me know which one you would like. Imagine if we could get our books into every school in the country and every child had the opportunity to read the message in a story!
Year 3 School Pack

Year 4 School Pack

Year 5 School Pack

Year 6 School Pack
Year 7 School Pack
Year 8 School Pack

Christian Parenting Challenge
The Christian Parenting Challenge is still up and running; I had a message from a Hindu lady who asked if it was OK for her to follow the blog, even though she is not a Christian. I get so many SPAM messages that I was at first suspicious that it was hoax, but this mum also has a genuine blog . . . she said, “Your blog is lovely. I write to you as a parent, though not a Christian one, but a Hindu one. The concerns and challenges you have set up and shared here relate to my concerns today as a parent of two amazing boys, 13 and 6.
I would very much like to be a part of your community as I believe we can learn much from others who have walked the path. It's just that I was not sure if you would be comfortable having a non-church going follower.”
Of course I said yes! If you would like to come over and subscribe, please do! Or join us on facebook: and invite your friends – let's support and help each other. :-)

Greek translations
One of our supporters, Michelle, is hoping to get our books translated into Greek, because there are so few Christian books for Greek children, and very little evangelical activity in Greece. Michelle currently lives in Cyprus. If you would like to join in this exciting venture, hop over to and keep in touch. Michelle says, “I have found an organisation called Christian Lingua ( who do professional translation in all languages of Christian resources. I explained what I want to do and that I will try to focus on raising funds to get resources translated, proof read and then printed and distributed. At this point no commitments have been made. I am just researching possibilities. Worth a try, Its in the Lord's hands who knows....”
It's true that the Lord can do more than we can ask for or imagine! Thank you in advance for your support. :-)

Beech Bank Girls 4

Beech Bank Girls 4 is going to paperback! We now have enough funds to begin production, so DV this lovely fourth book in the Beech Bank Girls series will be out in the spring. Whooo hooo! If you would like to buy the kindle version while you are waiting, you can do so here:

If you or your girls have read this lovely book, would you be kind enough to leave feedback now? Only one person has left a review so far . . . the more reviews we have, the further up the Amazon ladder we go, and the more they will promote the book. Even a few words count! Thank you for your help.

And there we go, that's all the news for now – oh no it's not, there's the Write for a Reason course! We're half way through the first course and I'm thrilled how students have engaged with the material. If you would like to know more, go to: Or email me on the usual address!
With thanks as always for your prayers, your encouragement and your support,


Monday, 8 September 2014

September news from Dernier Publishing

Welcome to the September 2014
Dernier Publishing newsletter!

Desperation v Expectation

I don't know about you, but it seems that desperation is all around us. At times the needs of this world seem overwhelming. Wars in Iraq, Syria and central Africa, terrorism in Nigeria; the fear of the ebola virus, wars and disasters and hunger and poverty; misery and the results of sin . . . all these are graphically portrayed on our TV screens 24/7. And it's often the pictures of the children in these desperate circumstances who break our hearts.

But we don't have to go so far away to hear of horrors. Girls as young as twelve are being given contraceptives without parents' knowledge . . . in Scotland. Fourteen-year-old Alice Gross is still missing at time of writing; a man has been held in custody on suspicion of her murder.

But even while all these terrible things are going on, there are three things that are sure:
  1. Jesus is building his church. We can't see this kingdom, and we don't hear about it on the BBC or CNN . . . but this thrilling movement of the kingdom of God is growing in grace and faith and love and peace and joy, in praise and thanksgiving, in strength and in numbers. The kingdom of God may be unseen to human eyes, but it is there just the same. 'Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.' Hallelujah!
  2. God's grace is never ending. His grace is always sufficient, whatever the circumstances. And we are all called to be a part of that grace, helping others in their time of need.
  3. God is on the throne. In the end He will bring all things to himself. The old will pass away and the new will come. There will be justice, and mercy, and every tear will be wiped away.

So let's keep looking up with expectation when looking around brings distress. And do our bit to bring light and life and peace and faith as we await the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Come, Lord Jesus!

It's not Christmas yet!

Well you hardly need me to tell you that. :-) But as the shops are beginning to stock Christmas cards, chocolates and mince pies . . . and just in case you are starting to think about planning your toddler group Christmas activities, I wanted to tell you about author Vickie Howie, with whom I recently judged a competition for the Association of Christian Writers! Vickie gives talks and workshops on storytelling, putting on a nativity play and using drama to tell a Bible story. If that's something you might be interested in, do take a look at her website: She also has some lovely Christmas books for small children!

A Pennyworth of Peppermints for Torch Trust
Thrilling news – Torch Trust have taken on A Pennyworth of Peppermints! They will be bringing out this lovely story in large print, in braille and on their 'daisy', which is an audio version. If you know any children who have visual impairment, do get in touch with the Torch Trust and see if they might be able to help you. Torch Trust have Deepest Darkness and the Beech Bank Girls already in their collection.

Another boon for children with even slightly impaired vision is the increasing availability of ebooks. Several of our books are now on kindle, including our new Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered. The font size can be enlarged . . . this also helps children with dyslexia. If you go to the Amazon store and type in Dernier Publishing in the search feature, our books will pop up. Pass it on! We are delighted to be part of something to help children who might otherwise miss out.

We are also delighted that our ebooks can be downloaded instantly all over the world, which means that they are available to children who, again, might not have the opportunity to read physical Christian books. They can even be read on computers and phones. Do you know anyone abroad . . . perhaps missionaries or workers abroad who might like to download our books for their children? Do tell them about us!

And please pray for all these projects – the potential to touch lives is enormous, one precious life at a time. Be assured that your prayers are making a difference to children all over the world, so don't stop!

P.S. If you have downloaded any of our books from Amazon, please do leave a review, it helps our ratings! Thank you very much.

The Write for a Reason* Course begins today!
I hope I will be running the course again, so if you have missed the deadline this time round, don't worry, there will be another opportunity! If you would like to sign up to receive details of the next course, or to receive absolutely free no obligation writing tips, let me know! You can read more about the course here: :-)

With many thanks once more for your enormously valued support,


*Write for a Reason is a seven week online course for writers who want to learn more about writing fiction  for older children from a Christian perspective. It covers such essentials as creating engaging characters, planning and plotting, how to use dialogue to move your story forward, perspective, description, and much more.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Are we nearly there yet? July 2014 Dernier Publishing newsletter!

Is the world going mad?

Here's something I've been mulling over. I'm sure many of you feel uneasy about the news of the Christian bakery owners in N. Ireland who are being threatened with legal action because they wouldn't bake a cake for a gay event. Well, suppose here at Dernier we turned down a manuscript for a book featuring a couple in a same-sex relationship, what would happen to us? Or if we produced a book where a muslim child comes to know Christ, where would that leave us? In fear for the author's life? How much longer will we be able to sell books that show children that Jesus is the only way to God, and that they need to turn to him for forgiveness of their sin? Atheists are demanding that all Christian content is removed from UK schools, and there are calls to close down every publicly funded faith school in the country! The law is changing, our society is changing, our world is changing. Wherever in the world you are reading this, biblical Christianity is being squeezed on all sides, bit by bit by bit. Anti-Christian voices are getting louder. We need to work while we can to strengthen our children in their faith, because we don't know what the world will be like for them in ten or twenty years. You know the sentiment, 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'? We need to make the most of our freedom NOW while we have it.

Write for a reason
I'm planning to launch an online course to begin in September, entitled 'Write for a Reason'. This course will be for unpublished writers who wish to learn more about writing fiction from a Christian worldview for 8-14 year-olds. The course will cover such essentials as building characters, 'show not tell' descriptions, perspective, planning, and lots more! If you would like to know more about the course, or know someone else who might be interested, please contact me on Email Janet and I will send more details. It would be great to have you on board!

Things I wish I had known when I was eighteen
No, I'm not taking you back to my youth, it's the title of a book we are planning! I have been mulling over the idea for a while that older Christians have so much to offer our young people. I already have quotes from James Catford (Bible Society) Michele Guinness, Adrian Plass among others, about things they wish they had known at eighteen. I am also promised quotes from Gavin Calver (Youth for Christ), Sarah de Carvelho MBE (Street Children of Brazil) and Paddy and Carol Henderson, the founders of the Food Bank. What do you think? If you know any Christians in sport or music, Christians who are good role models, Christians who have achieved something remarkable, or any well-known Christian, perhaps you would be kind enough to ask them if they would consider being involved? The more the merrier!

Mary on the radio!

Paul Hammond from UCB Radio will doing a recorded telephone interview with author Mary Weeks Millard on Monday! The interview may be aired the following day on Paul's Current Affairs programme, but we don't have any definite details, so do keep an ear out. If we know the day/time in advance, I will aim to let you know. It will be all about A Pennyworth of Peppermints – what gave Mary the idea, why she wrote it, and what it's all about. Do pray for Mary!(Retailers, could be useful information to help you recommend the book to customers!)
P.S. If your church /school is having a
World War One event, why not give this lovely book away in your outreach? For more info on the book: Deepest Darkness audiobook

Summer Reading
Need some good summer reading for your own family, or to give away to friends' children? Here's the link to our online catalogue
Don't forget to support your local Christian bookshop too!

Are we nearly there yet? :-)

Off on holiday soon? How about listening to Deepest Darkness on the way? It's a lovely family story of freedom set in the rainforest and beaches of Vancouver Island; the CD audio version lasts about 2 hours 50 minutes. Perfect for car journeys! You can buy it from our website: Take a closer look here or order from your local Christian bookshop :-) Oh, and if you are off to New Wine, Soul Survivor, Newday or Momentum, look out for our books in the bookshop! Actually, don't just look out for them, buy one or two while you are there . . . if sales are encouraging, the bookshop might consider take our books again next year! :-)

Beech Bank Girls 4
We have a lovely, lovely new manuscript from Eleanor Watkins, and will be bringing it out as an ebook very soon! We have insufficient funds to bring it out as a paperback at present; please do consider if there is anything you can do to help because the Beech Bank Girls books are a wonderful way to encourage and inspire girls in their faith. Many issues are covered, including body image, bullying, step-families, safety online and so much more, from a Christian perspective. Eleanor is a sensitive writer, and her 'girls' have lots of fun as well as going through all sorts of difficulties – just like real life! Girls really do love the stories. The new book is called 'A Time Remembered'. More details very soon!

Well I think that's all for now – do keep in touch, it's always lovely to hear from you :-)

Enjoy the sun, and thanks for reading this far!


P.S. Don't forget to listen out for Mary's telephone interview!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Blooming June!

Welcome to the June 2014
Dernier Publishing newsletter!

Plant seeds, or weeds will grow!
If we don't plant seeds, weeds will grow on their own, with absolutely no effort on our part. All we need to do for weeds to take over is . . . nothing.

Planting seeds, of course, takes time and effort, and there's always the risk that all might be wasted; that they won't come up. We may also have to wait ages to see any signs of life. And we may have to keep watering and weeding with just the hope that one day the seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.

But there will be a reward for those who bother. OK, so not all the seeds we sow are likely to come up. But we must not give up. The law of probability (and the book of Ecclesiastes!) tells us that the more seeds we sow, the more we are likely to reap. We do not know which seeds will grow and which will not, so the thing is to sow, and sow, and keep on sowing, as much as we can, as long as we can.

See these beautiful poppies? My daughter gave me a packet of seeds last year. I prepared the ground, sowed them, and waited. Now I am reaping the rewards! Suppose I hadn't bothered? I would have a patch of weeds instead. The seeds could easily have stayed in the packet, forgotten in a drawer. I would never have had the pleasure of these beautiful blooms – and I would never have known what I was missing.

Our books are a bit like seeds. Some will bear fruit, some may not. We might see the results, or we might send them out to bloom elsewhere. Some might bear fruit that will change whole families, and their seeds will grow seeds that will go on spreading and blooming, year after year!

The consequences could be eternal. The question is, will we bother? If we don't, we will never know what we are missing.

Dare you take the Christian Parenting Challenge?

Thank you to all who have prayed for the Christian Parenting Challenge, and for those who have sent in reviews. Much appreciated! If you're not sure what it's all about, you can watch this little clip: (YouTube)

Or you can buy the kindle book from Amazon here:

The ebook version hasn't quite made it to our website yet, but it will soon! We are hoping that sales of this resource will help to fund more books, so we all win!

Here are a couple of reviews: “This is an EXCELLENT resource, and I would be happy to recommend it to families.” - Lucy

''I loved the parenting challenge. I am a mum of three and I homeschool my children so we spend a lot of time together. However, it is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day routines, 'to do' lists, appointments and schedules. I found the parenting challenge helped remind me of the value of doing simple small things to show my family how much I love them. To stop and take time to do things that create memories, bring smiles and connect us on a deeper level. I shared it with my friends and through Sunday school too. '' - Michelle

Bookshop Corner!
Many thanks once again to everyone who has prayed for the distribution of our books to Christian bookshops. I am delighted to tell you that we now have a solution . . . Hughes and Coleman are going to be representing us within the wholesale trade. Norman Nibloe from Tonbridge Christian Book Centre, recommended them to me. He assured me that they are lovely people with a real ministry motive. Four reps will be taking our books to shops all around the UK and Ireland from 1st July. I hope to be able to give you some photos in due course! Please pray for the smooth taking over of operations, which we trust will be beneficial to all . . . truly we are stronger when we work together.

Spreading wings
I have made a few contacts recently which might make possible the availability of our books in Asia, Africa and the US. This is a breathtaking vision – but we have a big God for whom nothing is impossible! Please do pray for all these various contacts . . . please pray for wisdom in making decisions, and above all that many, many more children will be able to receive the 'message in a story', wherever they live in the world.

Camps, clubs, Sunday schools and kids clubs
Sending good Christian books home with children is akin to sending a good nourishing meal! Of course, cost is a factor, but still, could you find out if your church or organisation would like to give out our books as gifts, prizes and presentations? The potential is enormous. Please do forward our online catalogue to as many people as you can!
Incidentally, we do quantity discounts for schools, charities and churches - contact me for more info!

Running out of room but I must just tell you . . .
A Pennyworth of Peppermints is selling well! Schools are beginning to take it up as a class reader, with its topical content (WWI) – please keep praying, as I know you do, for all the children who read our books, that the Lord will open hearts and minds. Some children who read this book might never hear the gospel another way. We have had some wonderful reviews of this story – pop over to our facebook page ( where you can keep in touch daily!

With grateful thanks for your support,


P.S. Don't forget to forward the catalogue to all your friends!