Friday, 18 July 2014

Are we nearly there yet? July 2014 Dernier Publishing newsletter!

Is the world going mad?

Here's something I've been mulling over. I'm sure many of you feel uneasy about the news of the Christian bakery owners in N. Ireland who are being threatened with legal action because they wouldn't bake a cake for a gay event. Well, suppose here at Dernier we turned down a manuscript for a book featuring a couple in a same-sex relationship, what would happen to us? Or if we produced a book where a muslim child comes to know Christ, where would that leave us? In fear for the author's life? How much longer will we be able to sell books that show children that Jesus is the only way to God, and that they need to turn to him for forgiveness of their sin? Atheists are demanding that all Christian content is removed from UK schools, and there are calls to close down every publicly funded faith school in the country! The law is changing, our society is changing, our world is changing. Wherever in the world you are reading this, biblical Christianity is being squeezed on all sides, bit by bit by bit. Anti-Christian voices are getting louder. We need to work while we can to strengthen our children in their faith, because we don't know what the world will be like for them in ten or twenty years. You know the sentiment, 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone'? We need to make the most of our freedom NOW while we have it.

Write for a reason
I'm planning to launch an online course to begin in September, entitled 'Write for a Reason'. This course will be for unpublished writers who wish to learn more about writing fiction from a Christian worldview for 8-14 year-olds. The course will cover such essentials as building characters, 'show not tell' descriptions, perspective, planning, and lots more! If you would like to know more about the course, or know someone else who might be interested, please contact me on Email Janet and I will send more details. It would be great to have you on board!

Things I wish I had known when I was eighteen
No, I'm not taking you back to my youth, it's the title of a book we are planning! I have been mulling over the idea for a while that older Christians have so much to offer our young people. I already have quotes from James Catford (Bible Society) Michele Guinness, Adrian Plass among others, about things they wish they had known at eighteen. I am also promised quotes from Gavin Calver (Youth for Christ), Sarah de Carvelho MBE (Street Children of Brazil) and Paddy and Carol Henderson, the founders of the Food Bank. What do you think? If you know any Christians in sport or music, Christians who are good role models, Christians who have achieved something remarkable, or any well-known Christian, perhaps you would be kind enough to ask them if they would consider being involved? The more the merrier!

Mary on the radio!

Paul Hammond from UCB Radio will doing a recorded telephone interview with author Mary Weeks Millard on Monday! The interview may be aired the following day on Paul's Current Affairs programme, but we don't have any definite details, so do keep an ear out. If we know the day/time in advance, I will aim to let you know. It will be all about A Pennyworth of Peppermints – what gave Mary the idea, why she wrote it, and what it's all about. Do pray for Mary!(Retailers, could be useful information to help you recommend the book to customers!)
P.S. If your church /school is having a
World War One event, why not give this lovely book away in your outreach? For more info on the book: Deepest Darkness audiobook

Summer Reading
Need some good summer reading for your own family, or to give away to friends' children? Here's the link to our online catalogue
Don't forget to support your local Christian bookshop too!

Are we nearly there yet? :-)

Off on holiday soon? How about listening to Deepest Darkness on the way? It's a lovely family story of freedom set in the rainforest and beaches of Vancouver Island; the CD audio version lasts about 2 hours 50 minutes. Perfect for car journeys! You can buy it from our website: Take a closer look here or order from your local Christian bookshop :-) Oh, and if you are off to New Wine, Soul Survivor, Newday or Momentum, look out for our books in the bookshop! Actually, don't just look out for them, buy one or two while you are there . . . if sales are encouraging, the bookshop might consider take our books again next year! :-)

Beech Bank Girls 4
We have a lovely, lovely new manuscript from Eleanor Watkins, and will be bringing it out as an ebook very soon! We have insufficient funds to bring it out as a paperback at present; please do consider if there is anything you can do to help because the Beech Bank Girls books are a wonderful way to encourage and inspire girls in their faith. Many issues are covered, including body image, bullying, step-families, safety online and so much more, from a Christian perspective. Eleanor is a sensitive writer, and her 'girls' have lots of fun as well as going through all sorts of difficulties – just like real life! Girls really do love the stories. The new book is called 'A Time Remembered'. More details very soon!

Well I think that's all for now – do keep in touch, it's always lovely to hear from you :-)

Enjoy the sun, and thanks for reading this far!


P.S. Don't forget to listen out for Mary's telephone interview!

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