Monday 14 May 2012

Christian Resources Exhibition

We were at the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown park in Esher last week, with a stand downstairs in the Esher Hall. It seemed quieter this year than in previous years, but still it was lovely to meet so many people who were interested in our books, booklets and posters, in order to be able to encourage their young people.

Eleanor Watkins came and signed the Beech Bank Girls books for us on the Friday morning, which was fun!
We met mums, dads, grandparents and godparents, Sunday School teachers, ministers and youth leaders looking for books for the young people on their hearts.
Please pray for a harvest from the seeds that have been sown!

1 comment:

  1. The Chelmsford Diocesan Resources Centre rises to the challenge by the quality of advice, knowledge and service by the woman who runs it. They are in one small room, carry very little stock, but Jo the manager is priceless. She has put me onto titles I wouldn’t have found in an ‘ordinary’ Christian bookshop and wouldn’t have known to look for on Amazon. Particularly she has done this w.r.t. school assembly material. When I arrived in Chelmsford, all the local ministers I spoke to, of whatever theological hue, recommended this place. For more interesting information click here.
