Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Prayer - just do it!

I was reading through our prayer booklet introduction today and thought it might be good to share it here on our blog, just in case it might be useful to anyone . . . I guess we all need a bit of help from time to time! The intro is the same in all four of the booklets.

Before you begin . . . Suggestions for Prayer

 This booklet has 30 prayer pointers, one for each day of the month if you wish.

You may like to use the prayer pointers for group prayers; there is power in praying with other Christians (Matthew 18:19). However, if you are on your own, be encouraged that many other people all over the world are praying with you, albeit unseen!

Find a regular time and place for your prayer time, if you can. Guard this time jealously. Few things are more important than prayer. You may like to keep a prayer diary, to jot down thoughts, news items, prayers and answers.

A 'prayer time' is like an arranged meeting with a friend, brother or boss. It is also good to pray whilst walking with the Lord throughout the rest of the day.

Try not to fill your day with unnecessary noise and activities which hinder communication.

Make sure that you are right with God before you start to make requests. Confess and repent of sin, settle unresolved issues and forgive others. The Lord's prayer is an excellent beginning to any prayer time.

Rest assured that it is not the eloquence or length of our prayers which matter. Our Father delights in answering the simple prayer of faith; He is not impressed by posh accents and religious words!

Keep in mind whilst praying that the Lord is powerful and mighty; He is able to do much more than we can ask for or even imagine (Ephesians 3:20). So let's pray bold prayers, keeping our minds fixed on the greatness of God rather than on the difficulties. Nothing is impossible with God!

Prayer is two way. Pray with God, listening out to what the Holy Spirit is saying and pray humbly. Keep in mind that our Lord is Almighty God, not a servant to grant our every request.

Remember to praise the Lord and thank Him for answered prayer.

God has chosen, at least in part, to meet the needs of His people through the prayers of His children. That's an awesome responsibility. So determine to persevere in prayer, even when you don't feel like it.

Use prayers from Scripture as part of your prayer time. There is tremendous power in God's word. If you have the gift of tongues, use it.

Learn to pronounce blessings. Read out blessings from the bible or make up your own, but use this God-given source of power.

Proclaim verses from Scripture out loud. There are some wonderful promises and triumphant expressions of faith, which will thrill you, glorify God and make the enemy flee!

Enjoy God's company. He's not a big, bad wolf hanging over you, waiting for you to get it wrong; he's a caring Father who loves being with you!

Copyright: Dernier Publishing.

All our booklets are available from our website:

You can read more about the booklets in a blog post I wrote in January, or if you have any questions or comments, or if there's anything you would like us to pray about, please do contact us :-)


Monday, 14 May 2012

Christian Resources Exhibition

We were at the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown park in Esher last week, with a stand downstairs in the Esher Hall. It seemed quieter this year than in previous years, but still it was lovely to meet so many people who were interested in our books, booklets and posters, in order to be able to encourage their young people.

Eleanor Watkins came and signed the Beech Bank Girls books for us on the Friday morning, which was fun!
We met mums, dads, grandparents and godparents, Sunday School teachers, ministers and youth leaders looking for books for the young people on their hearts.
Please pray for a harvest from the seeds that have been sown!