Friday, 9 January 2015

Dernier Publishing January news!

Welcome to the first Dernier Publishing newsletter of 2015!

"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God.” Dwight L Moody”

It is estimated that no less than a hundred million people heard the gospel from DL Moody's lips. He preached in meetings all over the US and Europe, started Sunday Schools, churches, a publishing house, and Bible schools. His sermons were translated into many languages and his preaching and teaching were (and still are!) disseminated all over the world. Hundreds of thousands of people responded to his gospel message. Yet towards the end of his life he said these words: “If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God.” I find this an awesome quote, from someone who started off teaching children in Sunday School. In some ways I'm not sure quite what to make of it. But one thing I am sure of is this: the vision for Dernier Publishing is to reach as many children as we can with the 'message in a story'.

You can read more about DL Moody's life and ministry here: DL Mooody short biography– I heartily recommend it to you for your encouragement.

Weymouth event

Thank you if you prayed for the children who received A Pennyworth of Peppermints at the WW1 event in Weymouth last month. There were 93 children who took part from local primary schools and every one received a book sponsored by Christians from Weymouth churches!

Author Mary says, "I have heard that the children were very excited to receive the books. One girl took hers to school the next day as her reading book of choice and did her English work year (putting direct speech into reported speech) using it! The St. John's school children were especially excited as they have read 'I want to be an Airline Pilot' as a class reader and I went to talk to them at Pentecost about the Holy Spirit giving me ideas!"

Please keep praying for these children, and their families, as they read this book. Many will have no church background. Thank you!

Book Club

The teacher who has started the book club with children at her school says, “Thank you for your prayers. The club started this week with 8 girls. They all appeared to have enjoyed it (I heard "That was fun!" as they left) but we didn't get far in the book. Got side tracked with old money and traditional sweets on page 1! Still, I guess that's the idea of a book club: it can take you in all sorts of directions and I pray that when it comes to it, the girls will be open to discussions about faith.”

Please keep praying for this initiative. Might you be interested in doing something similar in your local school? I'd be happy to act as a go between (Google+ circle?) for anyone interested.


Do pop over to join us on facebook if you would like to keep up with all that's new and the odd encouraging comment from a spiritual point of view! It's always really lovely to have feedback from you, too :-) If you or your children have enjoyed our books, please do share! Dernier Publishing facebook page

2015 Books!

Drum roll please . . . and trumpet sound . . . we will be bringing out FIVE new stories this year!

They are:

  • Beech Bank Girls, A Time Remembered
  • Revenge of the Flying Carpet
  • Blackberries for Tea
  • ACE Survival Team
  • The City Kid

I'll be honest with you; we don't have funds to bring all these good stories out in paperback – some will have to begin their lives as ebooks, unless a miracle happens. However, I do believe in miracles, and I know you do to, so please pray with me! The last couple of years have seen a reduction in books published, and I want to come out against that kicking and screaming . . . so here we go! May 2015 be the year when more hearts are touched through our books than ever before. Amen!

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ also be with you today, and every day throughout the coming year.
