Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sunday School prize-giving

Dernier Publishing

Forgive me for bothering you again – but perhaps this might be a great opportunity to get some great Christian stories into the hands of children you love :-)

Does your church do Sunday School prize-giving?

As you know, the aim of Dernier Publishing is to produce books that will encourage and inspire children in their faith, and show non-church kids what they are missing!

If you would like to . . .
  • encourage and inspire your Sunday School children in their faith
  • reach out to families of your Sunday School children
. . . look no further! I have met so many adults for whom reading Christian books as children made a huge impact on their life, that I am convinced that we must offer our children the same opportunity. Giving a book is such a simple, yet effective way of sowing seeds in children's lives. Here are a few testimonies of how our books are being used, from the children themselves (not that the books are anything in themselves, it is the Lord who touches hearts) . . .
"I love this book and I think it is amazing.

I'd really like to read this book again.”

Another brilliant adventure! I really liked the new characters and stories. It taught me that when I'm feeling down, God is trying to show me how to think about and help others, which will make me feel better again. If we stop to listen to Him, he will show us the way.

There is a view that children aren't reading, but that just isn't true. Since Harry Potter smashed his way into the book records, children have been reading again in droves, voraciously. Unfortunately, much of what is available now isn't necessarily helpful. There are plenty of novels with an atheistic viewpoint and many stories which have incited interest in the occult and witchcraft, violence, materialism and worldly relationships, but what about books where the Lord is God, where faith in the Lord Jesus Christ matters, where people pray and read the Bible?

We need to make sure that our children have this great alternative!

Whether your church usually offers books for Sunday School prize-giving or not, may we urge you to consider doing so this year? Sow some seeds, while you can. Here are some comments by adults:

One lady who lives 17 miles away from church, came on Sunday. She came because she had read her son's book.”

It's now several weeks since we presented the books to our children in Kidz Church. I asked how they were getting on with them. They were very enthusiastic and have been swapping them round when they've finished their own. Most of these kids are reluctant readers, too.”

My niece, aged 15, not overly academic, read her book right through last night and loved it. I think it's the first time in her life that she's read a whole book from choice!”

As you know, we have mystery adventures for 8-11s, exciting dramas, girlie books for 10-14s, books set in Africa and Canada . . . and more! Some have a very overt message, some more subtle, but all our books have the aim of encouraging and inspiring kids in the Christian faith.

Together we can make a difference.

 Find all our books here:
or visit your local Christian bookshop!
With many thanks for your support and help,


P.S. If you don't have any input into children's work at your church yourself, would be kind enough to forward this to your church minister/Sunday School leaders, or print it out and pass it on? Thank you very much.