Wednesday, 5 December 2012

December news!


What a great reason we have to celebrate! While the people around us gear up for Christmas along with us, we have a chance to share the good news of Jesus, sent in love, born to be our Saviour. Let's not get so sucked into the busy-ness of the “good time”, that we miss those God-given opportunities to talk about the baby in the manger, and all that He means to us. And let's not get so sucked into talking about Him, we end up ignoring Him!

Christmas Offer!
On our website this month we have the fabulous Beech Bank Girls
books on offer, all three books for the special price of £15! The perfect Christmas gift for all 10-14 year-old girls to encourage and inspire them in their faith, or show non-church girls what they are missing! Fun, exciting novels, as you all know by now - and one of the books is all about Christmas, so very topical, too :-) 
The set is also ribbon-wrapped for that festive finish to your gift!
One lady I know has asked Santa for a set! Do take a look at our website:
All our books are also available from bookshops, of course. Do support them if you can!

We have started having a special offer every month on our website to try to attract more sales - we want to get as many books as we can out to children who need to hear the 'message in a story'. Do try to take a look every month to see what is new!

The Treasure Hunt is now on Kindle!
We are passionate about spreading the good news wherever we can - The Treasure Hunt is the first of our books to go digital – download it from the Amazon kindle store for just £3.50! (Kindle files are easily converted to other e-readers.) This exciting story featuring four children from a church youth club is excellent for those who enjoy using e-readers – theirs or yours! 

Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
I know this isn't a cheerful “Christmas” topic, but could there ever have been a time when Jerusalem needed our prayers more? Violence, tension, suspicion and hatred abound in this place about which the Lord said,“My heart will always be there.” If war breaks out in the Middle East, we will all feel the fallout. The world's governments and authorities need our prayers as they seek lasting peace in this region. These booklets with simple prayer pointers are a great way to encourage our young people (and you and me!) to pray for everyone caught up in the battle for the City of the Great King. Great for families, groups or individuals. For more details, reviews and prices, see our website:

Do you know any children who might have a tough time this Christmas?
If you know children who might find Christmas hard, perhaps with illness or bereavement in the family, or split between parents, why not buy them a book to touch their hearts with God's love? Please be assured that we pray for all the children who read our books, as do many of our supporters. I believe that prayer is one of our greatest strengths. If you have any particular prayer needs for the children on your heart, please do let us know and we will pray with you. Visit your local Christian bookshop or if you would like to browse our collection of books to find the perfect gift. I would also be delighted to help you choose – just let me know!

That just leaves me enough room to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Some of you I may never meet in this life, but maybe we'll have some great stories to share in the next :-) Thank you for being co-workers throughout 2012.
May the Lord bless you all,