Welcome to the March
Dernier Publishing
How much do you rate reading together as a family?
Most mums and dads read to small children, but many give up when they're older. It's tempting to ditch this good habit due to time pressure, but if you have tweenagers, why not keep this excellent family habit, and read an exciting Christian book together in the evenings before bedtime . . . you can discuss the issues raised and just enjoy each other's company! Don't put it off - your children will grow up before you know it - don't miss the opportunities given to you today, because today will never come again. Mother's Day would be a good time to start :-) - it's not too late to pop to a shop or order online www.dernierpublishing.com. If you do not have children this age yourself but know a family who does, why not buy them a book?
Recent encouragements
World Book Day: Authors Eleanor Watkins (right) and Mary Weeks Millard both visited schools for World Book Day. Eleanor said afterwards, “I was truly amazed at the interest the children showed in books, and some of the things they asked. Also that there was a real openness to my own books, which all have a Christian worldview. The Year 2 teacher has read one of my books for younger ones to the class, and there was a lot of interest in the BBG [Beech Bank Girls] series. One of the girls asked for the names of all the BB girls, and I donated the three books to the school library along with several others. The kids were asking where they could buy them too. So it was a very encouraging and worthwhile morning.”
Revelation TV: I was interviewed for Revelation TV last month for a Children's Book Review programme! Since then one of the producers told me, "We are planning two more programs over the Easter Break, and one of our panel members, Joseph, read the other book you sent us “Living In Hope” and he really loved it. We would like to review “Living in Hope” on the next programme." :-)
Reviews: If you haven't read our blog post stacked with encouraging reviews and comments, it's not too late! Just scroll down or click on the right somewhere . . . :-)
Seasonal purchases
'Mystery in the Snow' is a mystery adventure story which takes place during an unseasonal fall of snow in the Easter holidays. Ravi, Debbie, Lance and Joel find themselves with a problem: Ravi's shed has been burgled. The plot thickens as an old lady's handbag goes missing, then a cat disappears. Can all these things be connected? Join the Christian friends as they find answers in unexpected places. The sequel to 'The Treasure Hunt' - Perfect Easter reading for ages 8-11 :-)
“So exciting that I couldn't put it down!” - Lydia. Available from your local shop and online.
'Heaven is a wonderful place' poster
Maybe you could use this 16 x 20” uplifting poster for an all-age worship service over the Easter period, or to illustrate the Easter story at your toddler group, Sunday School, RE lessons, assemblies . . . or as a gift for children you love? £4.00 each exclusively from our website, www.dernierpublishing.com. Contact us on info@dernierpublishing.com for quantity discounts :-)
'Praying for Persecuted Christians' from our Prayer – just do it! series.
Easter is a time when we remember Christ's sufferings on our behalf. Many of our brothers and sisters all over the world are now suffering in His name – we have the privilege of praying for them. What better time to do so than over Easter? Excellent for family prayers, individual prayer, for prayers in all-age church services and for young people's groups. Help your young people begin a lifetime of prayer – you could hardly do them a bigger favour. Each 8 page booklet has 30 simple prayer pointers to enable anyone to just pray. Order online: www.dernierpublishing.com/prayer.php
90p per single copy, discounts for larger quantities.
Our Future
As some of you already know, Dernier Publishing will be moving from Tonbridge to Orpington this Friday, 16th March. We can't order a new P.O. Box number until we've moved (don't ask!), but in the meantime post will be forwarded from our old address: P.O. Box 403, Tonbridge, TN9 9BJ, UK. Our email address remains the same. Please pray for us as we move, especially that all technology will survive! Oh, and that we will stay sane :-)
Please continue to pray, too, that the Lord will keep 'enlarging our territory'. Once we have moved we hope to commission new books, but we need the finances. We would like to advertise our books as class readers in Christian schools, run a campaign for books for Sunday School prizes, begin distributing seriously abroad, perhaps to the USA and Canada . . . there are still so many children to reach. And we need your help! Perhaps the Lord will give us the desires of our heart . . . and maybe do even more than we could ask for or even imagine. :-)
With grateful thanks for your continued support,
PS Wishing all mums a very happy Mother's Day on Sunday!